My Horoscopes; Only The Good Ones

I am An Aries; if you didn't already Know...
- While talking politics at a cocktail party, you will accidentally admit you did not know that America was an actual country.
- Doing a runner from a restaurant can make you feel so alive. Better yet, run from the restaurant into a taxi. Then do a runner from the taxi.
-You’ll meet an attractive stranger and offer to walk her home, only to discover she lives 1500km away. The walk will kill you both.
-Don’t let the fact that your soul mate is a fictional character discourage you in your quest for love. Your friends may laugh at you behind your back, but hey, they always did.
-A pet can be wonderful company. This week, buy a pet, but choose wisely. Never buy an animal that is big enough to actually eat you.
-It's hard not to take it personally when the 24-hour convenience store closes only when you approach. Try losing the balaclava this week for a fresh, new outlook.
-Aries are often hindered by suspicion that people are gossiping about them. Cast these worries aside the stars confirm that they are. Congrats: no more paranoia!
-They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but you'll find that a single bullet will actually keep the doctor away permanently. I'm just saying...
-Never apologise for anything, even if you are clearly in the wrong. People will respect you for it, even if they also hate you. Sorry.

Just Some Quotes

Talent is unlimited, Fame is universal. Fear is obsolete, failure is not an option.

Don’t take life seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Illegal activities and hard times

Hmmm i feel kinda bad as i havn't really posted anything in like so long, that i think i may have bordered on the illegal.
Basically nothing much has been happening, i started university biggest and only news that i have to pass on, i can honestly say i have no idea if anyone reads my blog, if so Yay, if not then ok sure thats fine, i guess, i mea not like it matters.
Anyway so i am majoring in creative writing and English literature, which is uber cool and just a little fantastic and i am hoping it lives up to my high high expectations of it. Apart from that nothing good has honestly happened.... oooh but i do turn 18 very very soon! Great go me and my day of birth and celebration.
On a sadder note, my step-grandfather died yesturday and it was hard as this is my first family member to ever die that i have known, at least i didn't know him too well... not like my friend... but let us not tally on this sad topic... i will just say that i now have to decide if i am going to go to the funeral. I am still unsure...
I will let you know, how it all turns out... that is if anyone reads this otherwise i am writing to the empty expanse of cyberspace and only the computer viruses and cyborgs will ever read my work.
Anyway i wish you all the best and i hope to post more often.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

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