My Horoscopes; Only The Good Ones

I am An Aries; if you didn't already Know...
- While talking politics at a cocktail party, you will accidentally admit you did not know that America was an actual country.
- Doing a runner from a restaurant can make you feel so alive. Better yet, run from the restaurant into a taxi. Then do a runner from the taxi.
-You’ll meet an attractive stranger and offer to walk her home, only to discover she lives 1500km away. The walk will kill you both.
-Don’t let the fact that your soul mate is a fictional character discourage you in your quest for love. Your friends may laugh at you behind your back, but hey, they always did.
-A pet can be wonderful company. This week, buy a pet, but choose wisely. Never buy an animal that is big enough to actually eat you.
-It's hard not to take it personally when the 24-hour convenience store closes only when you approach. Try losing the balaclava this week for a fresh, new outlook.
-Aries are often hindered by suspicion that people are gossiping about them. Cast these worries aside the stars confirm that they are. Congrats: no more paranoia!
-They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but you'll find that a single bullet will actually keep the doctor away permanently. I'm just saying...
-Never apologise for anything, even if you are clearly in the wrong. People will respect you for it, even if they also hate you. Sorry.

Just Some Quotes

Talent is unlimited, Fame is universal. Fear is obsolete, failure is not an option.

Don’t take life seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Video Blog

the video blog is up and running:
do you know what this means! you can finally see my face!
so excited!

Friday, March 26, 2010

New York, I Love You

Hello Dear Readers,
Sorry i havn't written in a little bit but not much has a been a happening. Well not until now!

I am turning 18 in two days! yaya super awesome and other such things that mean the same or similar things. So i have my party on sunday! yay super! Hopefully it will be good.

Another awesome thing that has a been happening, is my friends ad I have started an Online Blog (Vlog) called Secret Mens Business. It is basicaly just us talking about random shit and making a fool of ourselves on the internet where every single person alive can see us... you now the usual thing that bored teenage girls do.

I am also entering a writing competition for YEN Magazine, for the new movie New York, I Love ou. It has to be like 500 words and i have 480.. so just a little more to go...I may post some at a later date... so look out for it!

Anyhoooo... gonna go and watch supernatural cause i can!

Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


If you can't tell by the title my friends and i want to start up a vlog... it will be so uber fun if we actually end up doing it... which is still to be seen as we begin many things and never finish them or don't even start, Go us!
We need to think of a whitty and just plain awesome name for our blog, it will consist of three of us... we will have an individual vlog on one day each a week then a forth day when we do a group vlog... should be good i will keep you posted...
As a continuation of last blog i have decided to go to the funeral on friday as i think i will end u regreting that i didn't say good bye if i didn't go... then i am going to see Alice and Wonderland for the 2nd time that night to make my sister and i feel a bit better... hope it works...
anyway that is all for right now.
A Go Go Go!
Xoxo Alexandra louise.

Illegal activities and hard times

Hmmm i feel kinda bad as i havn't really posted anything in like so long, that i think i may have bordered on the illegal.
Basically nothing much has been happening, i started university biggest and only news that i have to pass on, i can honestly say i have no idea if anyone reads my blog, if so Yay, if not then ok sure thats fine, i guess, i mea not like it matters.
Anyway so i am majoring in creative writing and English literature, which is uber cool and just a little fantastic and i am hoping it lives up to my high high expectations of it. Apart from that nothing good has honestly happened.... oooh but i do turn 18 very very soon! Great go me and my day of birth and celebration.
On a sadder note, my step-grandfather died yesturday and it was hard as this is my first family member to ever die that i have known, at least i didn't know him too well... not like my friend... but let us not tally on this sad topic... i will just say that i now have to decide if i am going to go to the funeral. I am still unsure...
I will let you know, how it all turns out... that is if anyone reads this otherwise i am writing to the empty expanse of cyberspace and only the computer viruses and cyborgs will ever read my work.
Anyway i wish you all the best and i hope to post more often.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


The decision to change came too fast... the choice was made for me, how could I go against the plan for my life?

I had been told, some nights ago that I was to become something more than human, at the time I didn't understand what they meant.

I awoke I am small dark room, the room I had lived in my whole life, only seeing the dark outlines of the people that entered the cage I was told to call home.

I used to be scared, but why be scared of something you can't change of Something you endure because it is a part of you. I was told I was born for a reason, to become a part of the All-Father. A person I did not know.

It is too late now, for me to disagree. I can't change my destiny now that my life has passed. If only I knew of what the people had wanted maybe, I wouldn't regret it all now.

I remember the night they came, for it was the first and last night I would exit my room and see the world, which I was a part of. They took me by the arms and slowly lifted me from my cot. And they lead me outside.

The fire burnt so bright, it cause pain to my eyes and all I could see was colour in the form of swirls and circles. Slowly I could see the people that had held me captive to my fate. They were nothing but men, ordinary people, but devote believers.

That night I learned of my future, too young and too late to stop it. I was to be made new as a sacrifice for the all father.

The ritual began, a change in the mood made the air slow and cold. One man tied a noose whilst another sharpened his knife.

I was strung from the largest Oak, strung from the neck as my slides were split open and my person fell back to the ground, as my life flowed into the dirt and became a part of the all father. I became creation itself, or so I was told would happen.

The death was quick and painless, as my life flowed through my veins to the ground below. I offered myself up the God that watched over my people... as I was told I was meant to do.

I was accepted as my life fled. I died on that tree, as was my only purpose.

But I got more than death I got life inside the earth... as a part of the earth.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The days now seem to be nothing but lost in this endless cycle of our pathetic lives...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I have both writers and artists block... i have been unable to write and or draw/paint anything for a short while now, and i am finding it extremely frustrating...

I don't have a reason to do either: no deadline or special need... but the idea of not having the ability to do either thing is hurtful to me....haha i don't know what i am really saying...

I have had very little to do of late, except work and wait for my life to be decided by an email or either acceptance or rejection... joyful experience that all of the seniors of 2009 are going through...

I don't think that i will be able to write any more as i have writers block like i said earlier and i have no realy drive to write something that would not be interesting to those reading...which i think this might end up being, if it isn't already, if i don't stop now...

Fare thee well and we shall meet again, when my brain works in the ways it used to...

Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Monday, January 11, 2010


It has dawned on me that life can get awfully boring when your not looking, and i no longer have anything to really look forward to... this fact snuck up on me a slowly and painfully made me aware that i no longer have any idea where my life is going.

The days to come basically decide what my life will be like for the next year or so... and i am totally and utterly dreading this with such a passion.... I think i want to go into creative writing or music, but i am as of yet still unsure...

"If this is what i call home; why do i feel so alone?"

Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Friday, October 23, 2009

As we speak I am sitting in religion class, meant to be writing my essay but it is boring so I thought I wouldn't. Instead I thought I would write this post.
Today at school it is Harry Potter Day, which means that we can dress up as a Harry Potter character and we donate to MADcam 09 which is our school large charity for this year. It is uber fun as there are people walking around dressed like wizards and dementors and what not. I was going to dress up but then I was like I have no costume, then I got to school and was like wait I have a costume! And then I felt sad and like crying beause I don't get to take part in all the funa nd games of dressing like a wizard can create. Though it is sad that I can't take part in all the, as I have said, fun and games... I can still watch the Teachers (professore) vs. Students (Wizards/witches) Quidditch match and the Yule ball that are taking place at lunch.
Although this is all fun and, we still arn't allowed to wear our Wizard and what not costumes to and from school, which I find kind of mean, I mean how cool would it be to see a whole horde of Witches and Wizards walking through the city at 7:30 in the morning! That would be so awesome!
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.
P.S the students won the Quidditch Match

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sorry I must ahve been crazy before to say anything remotley nice about facebook... I had 157 emails from facebook in my you know what I don't think I needed those some how?
Gahh technology is irritating!

Facebook and What not

So I am finally employed again and it is generally okay as to the fact that I get paid and I work with people I like...but I just don't like work but then again does any one?
I have been working for I will say nearly three weeks after like a year of doing shit all and being broke...So i mean I guess having money is better than not.
I have recently become addicted to facebook, now i have to ask is this just me? I have come to the conclusion that it is not...the amount of times one person posts on facebook is in its self a little scary so I am not the onyl insane one...
I have deduced that they must have created some kind of powerful drug that can be transfered through the computer and effect you some how even though you are not licking your computer and would not have ingested this 'drug', that is unless there is something terribly wrong with you other than your facebook addiction.... anyway what do you think? is it totally possible, cause i think it may be the case....
Now i have suddenly had the idea that what i just said made very little if any sense, but i see no point in deleting this post... so you will just have to waste away your life reading my senseless dribble...
I won an award the other day...
I am very proud with myself... I mean you would be too if you ahd gotten a B- and then got a highly commended for the same assignment but this time the highly commended was given to you by a uni professor who knows something about the english language other than the mrs Umbridge wannabe that rules my english classroom...
anyway thought i would let you know even though you probably don't really care all that much, if at all....
any way good night and fare thee well dear dear friends, i will miss you...
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Ok so i am soooo excited i am going to both the Greenday concert and the Short Stack concert so i am uber happy.
So what has happened to you latley?
Not much thanks for asking!
Ok so nothing really speacial has happened, I did QCS and I dont think i went to badly. I also started drawing again. and I want to start some kind of online comic. I get to see my dad tomorrow. I applied for QTAC so i can get educated after highschool and make a living hopefully. I am mobing only a suburv away but this house we will own.
Nothing else has happened to me, well nothing of any importance anyway.
Talk later
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.


I am not sure what to do with my life, I am nearly finished year 12 and I don't really feel ready to go to uni, but i mean i guess i can't help that.
I am thinking of starting an online comic or something but i dont know, let me know what you think.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Ok so right now, I am one toally bored and Two...Totally and uterly bored...So much of a difference. I know I havn't been on in like ages, but that is one because my step sister is extremley fat and never leaves the couch or the internet and two nothing all that cool has happened to me.
My life the past few days;
1: My friends and I decided to build a tree house/cubby house when I move. It was going to be fucking awesome with a pulley and a door bell and a letter box.
2: My step dad forbid us from building a cubby house/tree house, for totally crappy reasons, "The youngest of you is 14 and you will never use it..." what the fuck of course we will use it.
3:My friends and I decided to paint a surrealist paintings, still going ahead will keep you all posted, it is about Death, the supernatural and the mythical.
4: went to the Ekka: was super dooper fun, but I totally stacked it over a fence...I hurt my knee...I didn't cry.
Apart from that nothing has happened... so I will go and do something interesting so I can post about it but until then good bye.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Last Update For Today...I promise

Ok so, Laura is gone and filming has come to an end for the day. we got some great blooper footage maybe even better than the actual movie footage, but it's ok. We are happy with what we got done today.
I don't have anything else to report, sorry!
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.


So just a little update, on what has happened since this morning. We have filmed three scenes and great blooper footage and episode footage. It is great, at this moment in time we are having a tea brake very important for this to happen. We are about to film another scene after this one that should be good.
So yeah Lizzy finally turned up, yay, she was late as her step sisters friend was meant to turn up at eight but didn't come till eleven-thirty, Grrrr. anyway she is here now so it is all good.
I hope this doesn't turn out to be total crap. because that would suck.
anyway, we have to go and film this last scene before Laura leaves at like three. haha well I will talk to you later.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Day 1: Filming

I will have to admit that I am can of excited as it is day one of filming finally, I mean it took its time getting here. We were meant to have eight days these holidays and we only get one, see the major difference, if you don't it is seen days, seven!
Any way we are about to start, if only shit head, lizzy, would get here, like now. That would be sweet. Anyhoo we finally have hard copies of our script and they are awesome, juts read our way through and marked any changes, that we needed. It should be fun, but we have changed our idea a little bit as we are now making it in to episodes, if it turns out crappy and shouldn't be a movie, you know what I mean. It will be rad! and we also have some pretty funny behind the scenes footage that will make sweet extras! Hahaha.
So Lizzy is approximatley one hour and sixteen minutes late! GRRRR, I am angry at her very angry. not really but I will tell her I am angry, it will make her cry, I hope, It wont but I can dream. I don't know why I am writting this, probably because I am bored and I have to do something, while I wait.
We have planned to film five scenes and that is our goal, but we may fail at it, because that is what we do best. To be perfectly honest I didn't think we would complete even half the script but look at us now, hahaha, look at us now!
Any way I will go and do something else as I no longer have anything to say, important or not. fare thee well and talk in the nearish future I hope.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.
P.S By the way Laura says hi!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Career Choices

So my friend, Laura, and I have been thinking about everything and we have decided that next time some one asks us what we want to do with our lives after highschool, like careers and shit, we will say that we want to open a funeral home together, I will be the funeral planner and Laura will be the corspe beautician (or whatever they call them).
This will be our new morbid joke just between us two.
We then decided to make pudding as we love pudding, and I will just say it failed, miserably. So we failed at making pudding, and the joke progressed to us having a funeral home that sells crappy pudding as its only food source and everyone would have to eat this pudding, Halarious!
Laura also made a fool of herself she had this dream about buying pudding in a red box with a dove on the front (it dosen't exsist but she would 't believe me) so we decided that our funeral home would be painted red with a white dove on the sign, lovley.
Laura and I also have a weird obsession with cap guns and knifes, really all weapons and shit like that in general. So she has these three new cap guns and they are awesome, but only about half metal and the other plastic. So we decided that our funeral home would also sell full-metal cap guns as either like gifts or as a form of general entertainment for the grieving families.
Yes I know my idea of a career is weird and of course I would never actually do it, but it is fun to joke about inapropriate things like corpses and etc but it is still fun.
And so I will bid you ado and talk to you later. As my story is now over.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Invisible Pens

Hello Again,
So I spent the last three days at my friends place as I was bored and had nothing else to do.
And We decided to pass the time with in the city. We eventually found our way into Australian Geographic, A great shop if I do say so myself. So we looked around and found invisible pens a great invention. So we decided that we would write all over my friends wall, it was great as you can't see it without the black light and she will probably forget all about it until later and get a awesome suprise when she looks back later.
But anyway will talk later as I have to go and watch TV.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Long Time No Write

Hello again,
I know I havn't written in ages and there are two reasons for this:
1. My stepsister lives on the internet and for some unknown reason I am not allowed internet in my room so there is one place that it is connected in our crazy fucking house and 2. I kinda of have nothing to write about up until now.
So my life as I see it. I have been quite busy as my Friends and I have began to make a movie, of the horror genre, and we have been writing the script. I will admit it will be one of those crappy amateur movies that are so embarrasing to watch it is not even that funny. But I can none the less hope for it to be different. It is kinda about this death loop like thing that is situated in a boarding school, when I write it down it kinda sounds cliche but what can one do, not much. So we are doing this and it is really fun although, some friedns can be seen as a hinderance on some occasions rather than an aid. But I still love them.
The second most interesting thing in my life right about now is that my sister and I have decided for some crazy reason to enter a literary competition and I no matter how crazy it sounds feel as if we have a fighting chance to win. We have entered a poem, two short stories and a non-fiction prose in the guise of a opinionative column. I am unsure as of when it is being judged but I promise I will let you know how it all goes.
Then there is a great topic of me suddenly getting really into Asian Music as of yet I am unsure as to how this happened but some of it is, I will say it, Amazing. There is this Japanese group that is totally and fully computer generated but actually sounds like real people, I know soon we wont even need people, Ah life what a greate thing, advancement is! and please remind me to post a list of My rocket poweres awesomeness playlist so you can here it too.
While we are on the topic of music and awesomness, I want to do something with my singing but as of yet I don't know what I can do. I am thinking of entering the Arts Fest at school as a way to start off but I just don't know, I have this major problem called cronic laziness and I just don't know what to do about it.
Happily I have began my new Art topic and I have been given the over laying theme of Surrealism, which is great as I can basically do anything! I have chosen to do a three canvas artwork, that is laced in the theme of 'The corruption of childhood" for some unknown reason. It will depict a small boy slowly becoming a skeleton and the environment around him slowly dying and so forth. I am feeling that it is a bit morbid but I can't back out now as I have finailised my design with my teacher.
I am pretty certain that I have written your ear off and I should probably stop before you bleed to death, but do not cry dear friends as I will return one day and write once more, when you have healed and are well again. So alas my time here grows short and I must leave.
So thank-you and Goodbye.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Not Much

Hey so sorry i havn't posted in a while i have been busy with my last year of highschool.
not much has happened to e since i last posted just normal crap, except one thing; i found out that i can probably never go see my dad in china again unless i pay for my self. His company have decided to be total arseholes and stop paying for 'family' trpis because he is now technically a chinese employee not an Australian one and they think he has no tyes to Australia - except his i don't know Family. ahhhh well i just don't understand...
Well i got to go it is my sisters birthday so bye talk later.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


My sister and i as i think i have mentioned in a earlier blog have written two childrens picture books, and have finally decided to go about publishing them. We have contacted a few people and we will just have to wait and see if anything happens, but i will say that i am kind of excited.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Friday, December 19, 2008


I have just had the wost day i have had in a while, i was just informed by my manager that the owner of the Gloria Jeans Coffee store i work in is selling and all the current employees himself included are now unemployed and once again jobless.
This came as a great blow and i am sad to say i cried, since i have worked their for nearly two years. So on monday i will be jobless and there is a great possibility that i will loose a great many friends.
My manager Dave though has already started writing references for all the staff and will put our names down if he hears anyone is looking for a barista.
Anyway i am now going to go drown my sorrows in a couple of games of scategories with my family, some loosing my self in the world of Harry Potter and watching Veronica Mars battle some crimial masterminds in Season 2 of Veronica Mars.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I got a haircut, i got it cut really short.
I like it quite a bit actually.

Justify FullXoxo Alexandra Louise.

Monday, December 8, 2008


I have noticed that most of the cartoons on TV now a days are terrible, they either have no story line, no plot or crappy animation. Soon they will no longer be a form of entertainment, they will just be pointless crappy messages passed through the television to the children. With the loss of good cartoons, i will have to find a newer and better way of entertaining myself.
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Holiday Goal

Ok so this holidays i have decided to read heaps of books beause i havn't had time during the school year, i have started this regiem off with the 'Harry Potter' series and i am up to book four and i am really loving it i am definatley a Harry Potter Fan.
And i can now definatley say that the Stephanie Meyer series 'Twilight' is not the new 'Harry Potter', there is no way it could be.
I will continue my reading until i have finished all seven Harry Potter books the move on to Jodi Picoult. I have already read 'Nineteen Minutes' and i loved it.
Although all these books are great and are now definatley amoug my favourites, i can never say that i love them more than anything written by Neil Gaiman or Garth Nix my two favourites Authors, and i have read everything written by both (that has come out yet).
SO i think the point of this blog was to say that i now Love Harry Potter.
The End...
Xoxo Alexandra Louise.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2nd of December (like an update maybe)

We now have two christmas trees up in the house one for upstairs and one for down and many other seriously tacky and cute decorations adorning the walls and tables.
It was really fun, then my brother and sister and i played killer bunnies and i lost both games, was closer than usual but i still lost i was hoping for some crazy christmasy miracle that would make me win, but alas none came.
We have decided that we will move alone and purchase another booster deck for the killer bunnies game (there are like 10 more booster decks we need - we have one).
we are thinking of the green or orange if they have no purple one.
But it will make the game so much more fun, because new cards change the whole game play, everything changes. It is awesome.

Xoxo Alexandra Louise.